Media Analysis Project – facebook

The media analysis project is on Facebook. This week is an outline and thesis. I have attached the final project details with what is required and examples of a thesis and outline. I am looking for someone to help with the outline and thesis due on Sunday 1/27/18 and the final paper due 2/3/18

Now it is time to use that research to formalize your thesis and create an outline for you paper. If you put in a good effort here, the act of actually writing the paper will be much easier.

Even though this paper is an analysis using a specific approach, it needs to have a thesis. This thesis should frame the way you choose to approach the six perspectives.

Your outline should show the key points you will bring up in the paper. You will want to start to integrate your research in support for your key points. You can use the example outline linked below as a guide.

Week 2 Ronnie Crenshaw


Post a brief description of the criminal justice role you selected and describe two ways in which communication is used in that role. Then explain why communication is used in those ways, including any goals that are intended to be met by the communication. Finally, explain whether the communications you described are effective in the job specified or not. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your point.

A burglary suppression officer is a normal patrol officer assigned to a precinct and specific areas where burglaries are high. In the role of a burglary suppression officer, communication is needed between the burglary suppression Sergeant, burglary detective, and the district attorney. Burglary suppression officers are usually in a team of seven or six including the Sergeant.

Emails and face to face communication are used to communicate effectively from supervisor to officer to district attorney. These ways of communication are used so the information is transferred effectively and so that the officer understands his instructions.

Virtually everything that happens in the discipline of criminal justice happens on paper first (Johnson, Rettig, Scott & Garrison, 2015). After roll call, where we receive our face to face instructions, the supervisor sends the officers and his superiors emails about what was discussed in roll call so there would be written documentation about what was said. Johnson et al (2015) explains that writing is the best way to learn and the only purpose writing can have is to express what you already know or think.

From my experience, these ways of communication are effective because the burglaries in the assigned areas decreased the following week and the reports sent to the district attorney were written as instructed.


Johnson, W. A., Rettig, R. P., Scott, G. M., & Garrison, S. M. (2015). The criminal justice student writer’s manual (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Chapter 1 “Writing as Communication”

Answer the 3 prompts from the CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards

Read the case scenario below to respond to the questions that follow.

Jake is an energetic third-grader with a learning disability. Although he is considered “one of the gang” by his classmates and is excelling academically during the two hours he is included in a general education class, Betty, his general education teacher, feels he just
“wouldn’t fit in” a general education classroom full-time. On the other hand, Sharon, his resource teacher, sees no reason why he would not be successful.

Betty Armstrong’s classroom is meticulously organized. There are twenty desks, exactly four rows of five, and not one even an inch out of place. In the back of the room is the small group reading table with two neat stacks of readers and workbooks beside a precisely covered box of pencils, erasers, and crayons. A few examples of students’ work,
each matted in coordinating colors, are displayed in the room. Also prominently displayed is a job-board listing students’ names and the classroom chores for which each is responsible. Everything has its place and everything is always in its place––well, almost always.

It was 10:00 a.m., time for reading. Jake and David came into the room as they did every day. They went directly to their desks as Ms. Armstrong had always insisted. Jake bumped his desk out of place as he sat down. He cocked his head to the side, put his feet up on the wire rack under his friend Amy’s desk, and gave her a big, lopsided grin.

“Okay, class, it is time to work on your story projects,” Ms. Armstrong announced to her third graders, who looked at her enthusiastically. Jake fidgeted in his seat. “We just have two more days to get them done before open house,” the teacher continued.

Jake excitedly shuffled through the papers inside his desk. “Ah! There they are––my crayons,” he said as he grabbed them and put them on top of his desk, while still holding his desk top up with his other hand. “I will put an octopus on…”

Just then his left hand let go of his desktop, and down it came! BANG! His crayons fell all over the floor.

“Uh oh!” Jake hurried to pick up his crayons, hoping that Ms. Armstrong would not notice. As he bent down, his glasses slid off his face.

As all this was going on, Ms. Armstrong was watching Jake out of the corner of her eye. “That young man sure has a difficult time with organization,” she thought. She sighed as she considered the amount of energy it took to try to get him to fit in.

Betty Armstrong had been a teacher for six years. Her colleagues considered her to be a competent teacher committed to literacy and on top of things concerning curriculum and
instruction. Betty often said that it was her goal to make kids feel good about being in school and especially about being a part of her class. She had high expectations for her students and required them to work hard to meet those

This year, Betty had Jake and David, two students from a special education class. They came to Betty’s class two hours a day for math and reading. Both students had a learning disability, but Jake also had some fine motor problems and behaviors typical of students
labeled with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD)––although he
had never been diagnosed.

Sharon Moss, the special education teacher in the early education class, checked regularly with Betty to see how the two students were doing. Sharon has been a special education teacher for six years and has built a good rapport with the general education teachers. Sharon decided it was time to discuss with Betty the integration of both boys
in general education full time. She sat down with Betty and asked her how
things were going.

“Oh, both kids are doing great academically. David is often the first to raise his hand with the correct answers when I verbally quiz the class, and Jake reads so well! But, Jake’s
behavior––it’s just not typical. He’s a goofy little guy, you know,” she said
with a smile.

“Well, maybe we should consider extending their time in general education,” Sharon suggested.

“I could see David being successful in general education full-time, but I don’t know about Jake. His behavior is really not appropriate for a general education classroom,” responded Betty.

“But you are always talking about how well Jake does in the classroom. You say he gets along with the other students and he really excels in math. What exactly does he do that makes you think he could not be successful if included full-time?” Sharon pushed.

“Well, during seat work, he never gets started on time. He’s constantly shuffling through the papers in his desk. He always needs to sharpen his pencil or something. He just can’t keep himself organized like the other kids. Sometimes he’ll even play the class clown and
fall out of his desk,” she explained.

“Do you think that those reasons are enough to keep him out of the general education classroom?” Sharon asked gently. “I would appreciate it if you gave the idea some more thought.”

Betty shrugged her shoulders and gave a questioning look, “Okay, I’ll think about it.” Betty patted Sharon on the shoulder before leaving. She felt she had failed to convince Betty. How was she going to persuade Betty that Jake deserved a chance to be included in the general education class full time? “Betty has always been one of the best
teachers for welcoming students with disabilities into her classroom. Some teachers don’t even want our kids in their rooms. I have got to work this out,” Sharon said to herself with determination.

Reprinted from “He’s Just a
Goofy Guy” by Clearinghouse for Special Education Teaching Cases, College of
Education, University of South Florida. Copyright 2000 by K. Colucci. Reprinted
with permission.

Using the CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards as a guide, address the following prompts:

  1. Compose a 250-500 word response to Betty that addresses her resistance to having Jake in her class and Jake’s readiness to be in a general education classroom full-time.
  2. In 250-500 words, discuss any legal implications arising from Betty’s resistance to having Jake in her class. Should Jake’s parents and other education professionals be involved in the decision process? Provide at least three references that support your response.
  3. In a 500-750 word response, create an action plan that discusses the use of paraeducators, tutors, and/or volunteers to help Betty be more comfortable with having Jake in her classroom full-time as well as to help Jake make a successful transition to a full-time general education classroom.

In this assignment, write a set of instructions or processes.

Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain to a user how to operate a device, how to make something, or how to accomplish a task. Attached is two examples of instructions and the last file is the full assignment description.

Length:There is no minimum or maximum word count. However, your instructions must have 25 or more steps. More information on the number of steps is provided below.

Graphics:You must include graphics, ideally one for each main step.

o at least 10 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions

o at least four graphics should be original

o graphics borrowed from other sources need to be cited in APA format

o all graphics should be labeled


Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment:

You must have at least 25 steps. This does not mean that you need 25 main steps. Some steps can be nested under other steps. More information on this strategy is given in the resources provided in the class on writing steps for instructions.

Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in the class indicate.

Ideally, every step will include a picture or graphicto help the reader follow the instructions.


I have to read “The Heart of Darkness” story and Answer the review questions:

I already have my friends answers, three answers for each question.

I need you to do Paraphrasing so my teacher will not know I’m using my friends answer we are in the same class. I need only one answer for each question

No copy or past.

I need 110 words for each question

No references needed

Write argumentive essay on why education should be free

Throughout this course, we have been focusing our attention on the practice of arguing to find meaning. Because of that, it is important to practice balancing opposing viewpoints of a single issue. This essay allows you the chance to do just that.

Much of the writing you will be doing throughout your academic and professional career will be argumentative; thus, this essay will help you to hone your rhetorical skills in several ways:

  • First, this essay will help you to establish an environment of civilized discourse within your writing (essential for productive argumentation);
  • Secondly, this essay will allow you to practice your research skills in both identifying and integrating sound arguments;
  • And thirdly, this essay gives you a chance to practice your critical thinking skills—skills you will need for success throughout your academic and professional life.

Remember, the purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but instead prove that you can fairly present two sides of an argument and logically determine the best solution to the problem you are faced with. With that in mind, we ask that you withhold your personal opinion, personal judgments of the material, or personal narrative until the concluding remarks of your essay.

*Note that no one writes a polished essay in a single sitting. Start early and give yourself time for multiple revisions.

The rough draft of your essay should meet the following guidelines:

  • is between 900 and 1200 words in length;
  • includes direct quotations and paraphrased passages from four or more scholarly texts representing more than one side of the issue;
  • qualifies each of the authors (authors representing each side of the debate should have compatible credibility);
  • withholds personal opinion until the conclusion of the essay;
  • is written clearly, concisely, and accurately;
  • is written primarily in third-person;
  • includes a References page;
  • has been closely edited so that it contains few or no mechanical errors.

Researched Argument Checklist: Use this to evaluate your rough draft against the assignment requirements:

  • Does this essay present a clear argument on a topic?
  • Does this essay treat two sides of the argument equally and fairly?
  • Does the essay cite, at minimum, four scholarly sources?
  • Are the authors for the articles qualified? Who are they? Use signal phrases/attributive tags to introduce the authors.
  • What is the purpose of this essay? What does it do to meet that purpose? How effective is the argument?
  • Does this essay avoid second person language and limit first person language?
  • Are there elements of pathos, ethos, and logos in this essay? Do these appeals work together to propose a solution?
  • Does the essay avoid logical fallacy in the reasoning behind the solution?
  • Does the essay use APA in-text citation and is there an APA format references page?
  • Please use the references attached below for this essay . No other ones

Attachments area

Response To Challenges Of Old Age The Life Span Discussion Help

Need a response to both discussion. Responses need to be a least 400 words each.

1. John and Lydia are a couple I their 90s who have been together for a few decades. Both were experiencing the loss of memories and a lot of confusion. Because of the forgetfulness and confusion, they’re unable to take care of themselves or maintain the house as they once did. The couple needs help. They are experiencing physical and cognitive changes that have been documented in adulthood (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).

John and Lydia are no longer using their upstairs and that’s where the bathroom and bedroom is located. Their sleeping arrangement is a couch for her and a low-lying cot for him. This low-lying cot has caused a few problems for John placing in a situation where he has gotten hurt a few times and even affecting his balance. Both are using buckets as their toilet and throwing the waste in the backyard. This is another age-graded change known as a life-course change. You are seeing the shifts in their life task (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). They do have two children in their 70s and as you can see, they are older as well and having to deal with age related problems and a spouse too.

Some of the things that can be done is to update the house to suit the needs of the parents. They have money and do not want to use it. The son seems to be more invested in having it after they’re gone so there hasn’t been a major push.

a small renovation to make the 1st floor work for the parents would be great. Having someone come in making sure food is done, cleaning and meds are taken. Creating a support team with case workers, and family so that they do not fall through the cracks and their needs are met. Communicating with them the need of not losing their home or going into a nursing home to maintain their independence with help. Informing them that if they did not leave, they can be made to go into assisted living or a nursing home because of the condition in which they live.

Another plan can be to find out the cost of their home with some work and to see if they can sell it. This would allow them to find a new home to fit their needs. With all these changes maybe overwhelming for them but sitting down and explaining the benefits should make them happy. Older adults resist change because they have seen how change can be negative. They only want to make sure change is for the greater good.


Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

2. John & Lydia are a couple in their nineties who have been married for over sixty years. Both John & Lydia are beginning to display forgetfulness and confusion which are both signs that can be contributed to dementia (Broderick, 2015). John & Lydia are the parents to two sons. Both of their sons are in their seventies and unable to provide them with the care and supervision that they are needing due to personal and family reasons of their own. Their physical health is becoming fragile and their living conditions are also becoming unsafe and unsanitary to them both. Due to their increased age, both John & Lydia can be in the stage of terminal decline, where their cognitive ability is deteriorating (Broderick, 2015).

To better assist both John & Lydia, more information on other family members would be a great help to figure out if they have available family members that could step in and assist them. A mental health assessment would also be beneficial to verify if it would continue to be safe to allow both John & Lydia to continue living on their own. Their medical history would also be of great importance to have a better idea in knowing if John & Lydia face any medical health issues.

In attempting to provide John & Lydia with further assistance, my first option would be to offer them with assisted living facility. I would explain to them that we understand that they are wanting to conserve their money but with assisted living facility they could continue to live together but in a safer environment. I would transport them to one of our local assisted living areas and let them see for themselves how beautiful the area is and introduce them to the facility’s staff. The staff could introduce themselves and speak of what their job would consist of which would be to provide them care as needed and to always make sure that their safety is priority.

Moving in with family members who could assist them with their daily living could also be an option but only if the family members where capable of providing them with the care and supervision that they both are needing. The risk of this would be not having the assurance that both John & Lydia are receiving the care and supervision that would be highly needed. Due to their health and age it would be a great commitment to them both in providing them around the clock care and supervision.


Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015), The life span: Human development for helping professionals 4th Ed. Upper Sandle River, Pearson NJ.

major paper

In class, we have examined how literature and art can depict alternate histories, that when juxtaposed to official historical narratives, allow readers new perspectives about the current reality. We also have read parts of Represent and Destroy by Jodi Melamed, Black, Brown, Yellow and Left by Laura Pulido, and The City of Quartz by Mike Davis, to help us read literature and the official narrative of history against the grain. This material has informed our understanding of the texts and allowed us to consider texts together in comparative essays that analyzed the effects of a theme throughout two novels.

For this assignment, choose one of the following prompts.

  • Choosing one of the themes below and using two of the primary texts that we have studied this quarter (Zoot Suit, Killer of Sheep, Twilight, Rag Doll Plagues, Parable, Blade Runner), write a comparative essay that:

analyzes how your chosen theme works in the two texts; and

develops an argument, based on your interpretation of the theme within the text, about how the two texts comment on the theme; and

Uses Melamed’s, Pulido’s, or Davis’, concepts as a lens.

Possible themes: Violence/Death/Warfare; Sovereignty; Knowledge Production/Epistemology; Others, check in for approval and tips!

Some questions for you to consider:

  • How does reference to historical political/popular figures outside of the text reconstruct a certain history within the text?
  • How does the theme of death/violence play out differently in two primary texts? What effects does each approach to depicting violence have when juxtaposed against official historical narrative?
  • Track how primary two texts use sovereignty/autonomy, and the process of assigning autonomy, in order to comment on/critique/edit the official historical narrative.
  • How do two primary texts depict potentialities for different epistemologies (ways of knowing)? Different ontologies (ways of being)?

A successful essay will:

  • Formulate a complex claim based on careful reading of the texts, taking stakes and different points of view into account.
  • Examine connections between the primary texts.
  • Provide evidence thoughtfully to support ideas.
  • Articulate how the evidence supports your claim.
  • Summarize sparingly.

Refer to the EWP’s Outcomes. Outcomes 1-4 apply.

Format: Your paper should be 5–6 double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, in 12-point, Times New Roman font. Ensure that each page has a header with your last name and page number in the top right-hand corner. MLA style citation and Works Cited page.

Audience: You’re writing an academic article for publication, but you can assume that your audience has read the texts you’ve chosen. Thus, your stakes will be about how to read the texts together.

Organization: It is up to you to decide how to structure your argument, but generally speaking, your analysis will be most sophisticated if you integrate evidence from the two texts into a single argument rather than discussing each text in succession.


-The writing employs style, tone, and conventions appropriate to the demands of a particular genre and situation. (2)

-The writing demonstrates an understanding of the course texts as necessary for the purpose at hand. (2)

-Course texts are used in strategic, focused ways (for example: summarized, cited, applied, challenged, re-contextualized) to support the goals of the writing. (2)

-The argument is appropriately complex, based in a claim that emerges from and explores a line of inquiry, taking into consideration counterclaims and multiple points of view as it generates its own perspective and position (6)

-The argument involves analysis, which is the close scrutiny and examination of evidence and assumptions in support of a larger set of ideas. (4)

-The argument utilizes a clear organizational strategy and effective transitions that develop its line of inquiry. (2)

-Errors of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics are proofread and edited so as not to interfere with reading and understanding the writing. (2)

Essay total credit: 20


I want the every word is totally original

I don’t need the rhetorical flourish, I want a clearer roadmap and argument and claim.

Please follow the requirement and rubric.

analysis project essay for part 2

After carefully reading the full instructions for this assignment, please answer the following questions and submit your responses as a .pdf file:

  1. What is your commodity? Be specific about the parameters of your commodity. (1-2 sentences)
  2. What do you know so far about the where, when, who, and what of your commodity and commodity chain? What and where is the supply chain? Where and how is it sold? Who makes it? Who buys it? (1-2 paragraphs)
  3. What are at least 4-5 questions you have about your commodity? What are you most curious about? These can be about any aspect—economic, political, social, cultural, environmental, etc.—of your commodity chain.

It is okay for each group member’s responses to be very similar for this assignment, but you should each submit the worksheet before the deadline to receive credit.

Make sure to include a reference list with APA-style citations for all data sources you used for the preliminary research you conducted.

Write a rhetorical analysis essay based on the novel The Yellow Wallpaper

Rhetoric of Literature About Gender

Length: 1500-1800 words, typed, double-spaced, and presented in MLA format.

A minimum of two (2) secondary sources, not including the primary text being analyzed, must be used to develop the essay. A works cited page with source annotations will be required as part of the final draft.

You may need secondary sources as well, like texts from other novels or literary work related to topics of feminism or gender inequality.

Thesis statement should include an arguable claim. You should choose specific rhetorical strategies and/or genre conventions to connect to specific aspects of the novel’s rhetorical situation–particularly audience and/or context.

Each body paragraph should start with a specific claim and then provide evidences from texts to support it. Then analyze the relationship between rhetors, writers, and audiences based on your evidences and claim.

Questions you may need to consider:

At the beginning of The Yellow Wallpaper, it is not actually clear whether or not the protagonist is insane. Like many symptoms (classified as illness) thought to be specific to women of the era, the symptom she is said to experience — “hysterical tendencies,” is something of a restatement of a perceived, undesirable quality. The yellow wallpaper serves as a catalyst for her descent, but the reader can’t be sure if her feelings toward it are a symptom of her mental state, or the cause of it.

What messages about mental illness and marriage does the story convey? Take a closer look at the language of illness of this era: how does the story engage with this rhetoric? What does the plot suggest about the way the writer has responded to the “rest cures” commonly prescribed by psychiatrists of the era? How does Gilman linguistically model the protagonist’s descent into madness? What does the protagonist know about her state, and what does she believe will help her? What messages does the text have for each of Gilman’s audiences?

Specific emotions that readers experience at specific moments in the story (how is a word, an image, a plot twist intended to make us feel?)

Reader’s identification with a character or situation (how is the reader invited to imagine themselves in the story and to what purpose?)

Reader’s agreement/disagreement with specific values, principles, or other ideas (how is the reader invited to judge the characters and their actions?)

PLEASE MAKE SURE sentences are straightaway to understand with grammatical error as few a possible. Could you please guarantee that the essay you are writing will be completely original without any plagiarism? Thanks!